
he lessons will be online with a part-time commitment of 3 days a week and the support of a tutor.

432 hours of distance learning activities
648 hours of individual study and learning assessments.

for the master there is also a project work or  training internship for a total of 420 hours

Part I - Cultural formation

basic notions of cybersecurity and an introduction to the legal aspects of cybersecurity

- Introduction to Cybersecurity
- Computer Security
- Information Security Management and Legals
- Network Security
- Cryptography

Part II - Professional training

It explores specific aspects of cybersecurity and protection of critical infrastructures. The analysis supports students in choosing the specialization address.

- Security and Threats to Critical Infrastructure
- Cryptographic Protocols
- Blockchain TechnologiesWeb Security
- Information Security & Risk Management
- Business Continuity and Crisis Management
- Legal IT, Privacy and Cyber ​​Crime
- Fundamentals of Computer Forensics
- Cyber ​​Security in Financial and Credit Systems
- Cybersecurity in SCADA Systems, Industry, Power, and Energy
- IoT Application Security
- Defense-in-Depth Strategies for Critical Infrastructures
- Standards and Best Practices for Security and Safety
- Social Engineering and Intelligence for Cyber ​​Security

Parte III - specializzazioni - Indirizzo I - Cyber Defence of IT/OT Systems

- Incident Response and Forensics Analysis
- Malware Analysis
- Mobile Security 
- Cloud Security

Parte III - specializzazioni - Indirizzo II - GRC for Critical Infrastructure Protection and the Enterprise

- Cyber Defense and Cyber Intelligence
- Standards for ISMS and BCMS
- Physical Security
- Risk Propagation in Interconnected Infrastructures

Management committee

Presidente: Rodolfo Zunino
Vice Presidente: Alessio Merlo 
Componenti Unige: Alessio Merlo (DIBRIS); Alessandro Armando (DIBRIS), Rodolfo Zunino (DITEN), Giovanni Chiola (DIBRIS), Paola Girdinio (DITEN), Giovanni Lagorio (DIBRIS), Mario Marchese (DITEN), Enrico Russo (DIBRIS). 
Componenti esterni:  Cocurullo Fabio (Leonardo), Mattia Epifani (RealityNet), Ermete Meda (Cyber Security Information Expert), Massa Danilo (RCS), Silvio Ranise (FBK), Antonio Rebora (Leonardo), Danilo Moresco (ABB), Gaetano Sanacore (A2A).

Last update 13 July 2023