he lessons will be online with a part-time commitment of 3 days a week and the support of a tutor.
432 hours of distance learning activities
648 hours of individual study and learning assessments.
for the master there is also a project work or training internship for a total of 420 hours
Part I - Cultural formation
basic notions of cybersecurity and an introduction to the legal aspects of cybersecurity
- Introduction to Cybersecurity
- Computer Security
- Information Security Management and Legals
- Network Security
- Cryptography
Part II - Professional training
It explores specific aspects of cybersecurity and protection of critical infrastructures. The analysis supports students in choosing the specialization address.
- Security and Threats to Critical Infrastructure
- Cryptographic Protocols
- Blockchain TechnologiesWeb Security
- Information Security & Risk Management
- Business Continuity and Crisis Management
- Legal IT, Privacy and Cyber Crime
- Fundamentals of Computer Forensics
- Cyber Security in Financial and Credit Systems
- Cybersecurity in SCADA Systems, Industry, Power, and Energy
- IoT Application Security
- Defense-in-Depth Strategies for Critical Infrastructures
- Standards and Best Practices for Security and Safety
- Social Engineering and Intelligence for Cyber Security
Parte III - specializzazioni - Indirizzo I - Cyber Defence of IT/OT Systems
- Incident Response and Forensics Analysis
- Malware Analysis
- Mobile Security
- Cloud Security
Parte III - specializzazioni - Indirizzo II - GRC for Critical Infrastructure Protection and the Enterprise
- Cyber Defense and Cyber Intelligence
- Standards for ISMS and BCMS
- Physical Security
- Risk Propagation in Interconnected Infrastructures
Management committee
Presidente: Rodolfo Zunino
Vice Presidente: Alessio Merlo
Componenti Unige: Alessio Merlo (DIBRIS); Alessandro Armando (DIBRIS), Rodolfo Zunino (DITEN), Giovanni Chiola (DIBRIS), Paola Girdinio (DITEN), Giovanni Lagorio (DIBRIS), Mario Marchese (DITEN), Enrico Russo (DIBRIS).
Componenti esterni: Cocurullo Fabio (Leonardo), Mattia Epifani (RealityNet), Ermete Meda (Cyber Security Information Expert), Massa Danilo (RCS), Silvio Ranise (FBK), Antonio Rebora (Leonardo), Danilo Moresco (ABB), Gaetano Sanacore (A2A).