
The Master trains experts in the design and management of systems based on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Cybersecurity (Mobile, Web, Cloud, SCADA) responsible for safeguarding the security and protection of a company's information and architectural assets, a Critical Infrastructure or an organization.

The Master offers two specializations:
IT/OT System Cyber ​​Defense
GRC for critical infrastructure protection and the enterprise

Job opportunities

The professional figure leaving the master is an ICT expert with deep and heterogeneous knowledge in the field of information security, standards and methodologies for the protection of current critical infrastructures.

Information Security Officer in companies or CorporateCybersecurity operator in Critical Infrastructures (energy, banking and finance sector)Cybersecurity consultant for companiesDeveloper and professional analyst for companies related to automation in SCADA systemsPreventive Intelligence analyst and operatorExpert and legal consultant in Incident Handling and Computer/Digital ForensicsHead/member of corporate CERTAuditor and (Cyber) Security Governance expert for ISO standard compliance analysisDeveloper of tools and methods for high-tech companies


🟣 Master
Master's graduates in Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics and Engineering. Graduates in different disciplines may be admitted, provided they possess a training-professional curriculum considered suitable by the Master's Management Committee.
The details of the degree classes are indicated in the announcement.

🟣 Course

Graduates with an IT background are admitted to the course.

🟣 Modules

Candidates with a degree or diploma are admitted to the modules.

Titolo rilasciato

II level Master's degree in Cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection.

Video presentation 


Last update 25 July 2023