The Master seen by the students


foto federico scottoni

Federico Scottoni - Cybersecurity Manager at AMIU SpA

I am a computer engineer, I have two university masters and I worked in Leonardo S.p.A for 23 years. In 2016 I participated, on my own initiative and personally bearing the tuition costs, in the first edition of the master's degree in Cyber ​​Security organized by the University of Genoa. The skills acquired during the master first allowed me to change my work activity within Leonardo, going to deal with issues related to application security (Secure Coding) and, recently, from November 2020, they paved the way for Information Services of AMIU S.p.A, where I work as Cybersecurity manager.‟



foto bruno musumeci

Bruno Musumeci  - Project Security Manager at consortium companies controlled by Webuild SpA Group

The experience and knowledge acquired during my training course as a participant in the master in the A.Y. 2016/2017 have offered a significant contribution to my career, providing me with the indispensable tools to better manage the ever-evolving threats in the cyber context. It is thanks to this knowledge that I can help strengthen the culture of security within my company, where attention to these issues is constant. My task is to provide technical-functional support to project management on any aspect relating to security, in compliance with current legislation and corporate policies for consortium companies controlled by the Webuild SpA Group, engaged in the construction of large complex infrastructures, in Italy and in the world.‟


alumni piergiorgio occhipinti

Piergiorgio Occhipinti - Headquarters of Bayer in Leverkusen (GER) Responsible for IT activities in the IT Quality Assurance Group.

In 2017 I successfully completed the second edition of the Master, including a 3-month internship in a company. The interdisciplinary approach was a distinctive feature of the Master: the Cybersecurity theme was developed in the technical, organizational and regulatory aspects, highlighting how the three variables, Technology, Man and Governance are inseparable and currently play a key role in the adoption of an effective and efficient defense strategy against Cyber ​​threats. I take the liberty of suggesting to future students that they have no "concern" towards teachers: it would be simplistic to consider them simple vectors of notions, but they are there above all to be urged to share their skills and experience in order to improve mutual knowledge.


alumni luca patti

Luca Patti - Cybersecurity Expert At IREN SpA

The master's degree in Cyber ​​Security, attended in the A.Y. 2015/2016, gave me the opportunity, through teachers of considerable depth both from university and taken from the world of work, to increase my knowledge on various cyber security issues and to immediately enter the world of work in the cyber security team of a large multi-utility.‟



alumni luca accetta


Cristian Accetta - Cybersecurity Specialist at Fincantieri E-phors

The Master in the A.Y. 2018/2019 allowed me to significantly expand my knowledge on security, in addition to dealing with the classic information security, I was able to deepen critical infrastructure protection, OT and Physical security issues. The strong points were the high presence of business teachers and the variety of students. Being able to talk to experienced professionals was fantastic.


alumni sepe


Riccardo Sepe - Chief Technology Officer at Sababa Security Srl

The strength of this master, in addition to the teaching staff made up of real cybersecurity gurus, lies in the quality of the topics covered. The proposed course offers 360-degree topics in IT security with great educational value, which, regardless of everyone's previous experience, are essential for becoming cybersecurity professionals. The master consolidated the skills I already had and allowed me to develop new ones, allowing me in fact a truly extraordinary professional growth


alumni claudia cunati

Claudia Cunati - Information & Cybersecurity Specialist at Hitachi Rail STS SpA

I attended the Master of Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection in the A.Y. 2017/2018: a shock! This experience gave me the tools to face the complexity of modern systems with new awareness. Thanks to the contribution of trained and professional people, I have studied specific issues of security and information protection that have broadened my professional horizons.



alumni lucio cutillo

Leucio Antonio Cutillo

The quality of the master's program and teachers in the A.Y. 2017/2018 struck me so much that I attended classes in Genoa while living in Turin. I immediately reaped the fruits of my commitment thanks to the increase in turnover of my sole proprietorship. The degree obtained also helped me to become competitive again in the field of scientific research at an international level.




alumni diego lusso

Diego Lusso - Systems Engineer at SIGLA GROUP
I chose to attend the master in the year 2017/2018. My passion has therefore become my job: the master's degree, with its multidisciplinary approach, finalized my degree in electronic engineering, offering various possibilities for the practical use of the knowledge acquired in Cybersecurity.
Thanks to the internship carried out at the end of the course, I came into contact with the major companies in the sector with whom I still continue to collaborate and provide consultancy. Two years after the conclusion of the master, for work reasons, I had the pleasure of meeting and discussing with many former students of the master. In my opinion, this only demonstrates that there is a growing demand for security from large companies and that the master's degree has trained professionals capable of meeting this demand.


alumni carlo ranieri

Carlo Ranieri - Information Technology Manager at Aster SpA Management
For over 14 years I have been a member of the management staff of Aster spa and I hold the role of Information Technology Manager. In 2015 I participated in the second edition of the Master. My role is extremely important in the company organization and is characterized by strong dynamism and complexity.
The course gave me the opportunity to touch real case histories, which I was able to find in the operational daily life of my work and which allowed me both to react promptly to critical situations and to implement preparatory actions for potentially adverse events . The role I hold in the company requires me to navigate my company on safe digital waters, and the Master has certainly provided me with all the strategic tools to be able to carry out my task and to make all levels of the staff aware of these topics. my company, increasing management awareness of how essential digital management is in a business organization. The skills acquired have given me the opportunity to clarify how cyber security is not a mysterious subject, but a guide to make the IT world grow more securely. The great merit of this training is to broaden the vision of one's knowledge with sometimes unedited points of view, all supported by a balanced mix of real situations and classical teaching.

UniGE Stories

Maurizio Alberti - Esperto ICT 

Last update 20 April 2023